Community Resilience
Fire, Flood, Storm Emergencies
Emergency Services

NSW Ambulance
Phone: 000

Community Resilience
The 2022 floods on the 28th February were the most destructive on record at 2-3
metres higher than 2017 knocking out power, phone and internet services for an extended period, while erosion and landslips cut off roads and isolated properties. It exposed the systemic failure of government emergency services. But it also demonstrated the effectiveness of self-organized community resilience as the most important and reliable resource in the face of extreme weather emergencies and will continue to be increasingly more important than ever.
Resilient Uki (Inc) is based on the work of Uki Flood Group formed in 2014. As an association RUKI is able to interact with the local community and government services, and obtain and manage grants.

Uki Resilience is using donations raised to improve communication when mainstream networks go down and has so far distributed 53 UHF radios in the area. The aim is to secure booster antennas for the radios and VHF radio assets with repeater stations. Also, attain satellite internet capacity and power backup and training in alternative communications.
RUKI also aims to improve the community’s resources by building a cache of well-positioned community owned assets for immediate, self-sufficient response to flood or fire. This includes assisting the Uki School of Arts Hall to become off-grid as a functioning emergency hub, emergency rescue equipment, road clearing and house cleaning equipment, back-up power sources, first aid supplies for human and animals, temporary fencing and water treatment.
Neighbourhood Resilience Contacts
Resilient Uki
Facebook: Caldera Community Emergency Support.
Byrrill Creek Community Resilience Team
Kunghur and Surrounds Community Resilience Team
Doon Doon Rd and Surrounds
Includes Midginbil, Doon Doon and Commissioners Creek street,
Neighbourhood Groups
Neighbourhood communication is a key part of community response to emergencies that links residents and rescue services, like the RFS and SES, to get accurate information in real time to inform residents and to help coordinate rescue and recovery. This involves contacting neighbours to share relevant information, relaying residents’ needs to Neighbourhood group Leaders for sharing with appropriate agencies and specific local knowledge.
There are12 Neighbourhoods in our area, which are each made up of a number of Pods.
Find out which neighbourhood you’re in and who the key people in your neighbourhood and your smaller neighbourhood pod are.
Find out who your neighbourhood coordinator is and get involved contact: