Uki Community Directory of
Clubs, Associations & Services
Uki Hall/School of Arts
The Hall is available for hire - classes, dances, meetings, weddings, birthdays, anything!
As are the supper room and kitchen. Chairs and catering equipment are hired to locals at reasonable rates, either for use in the hall or for private functions at your home.
Hiring enquiries at Uki PostOffice
The Uki community billboard is located centrally outside the hall. Notice board advertising is 50c per week and is payable at the post office. All proceeds go to the Uki Public Hall Trust maintenance budget. All advertising must be no bigger than an A4 sheet.
Uki and District Residents' Association
P.O Box 3141 Uki NSW 2484
UKIRA meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7pm at the Hall
The Uki News
An initiative of the Uki and Residents Association (UKIRA)
Editor: Jon Morrison
Uki Community & Social Group
Facebook Page
Tweed Water Alliance
The Tweed Water Alliance was formed to oppose industrial scale water extraction from the Tweed Valley for the bottled water industry and does not oppose the use of water bores for domestic and agricultural purposes.
Uki & South Arm Historical Society Inc
Secretary: Esma Thompson
1462A Kyogle Road
Ph: 0497 201 167
Opening Hours:
Wednesdays and Thursdays 10am-12pm
Saturday 9am-12pm
and the Buttery Bazaar Market every third Sunday of the month.
Visitors welcome
Uki Red Cross
Joy Armour 02 6679 5297 or Pauline Caroll 02 6679 5176
Stall and Fundraiser days: 1st Friday of June and December each year
Uki Refugee Project
Connecting Uki and refugees
Contact Bryan McClelland: uki.refugee.project@gmail.com
Uki Community Technology Centre
Print Shop, Internet Access & Graphic Design
The Buttery, 1454 Kyogle Rd, Uki
Phone: 0266 795 399
Uki Public School
Innovative Education, Community Values
146 Kyogle Road, Uki, NSW, 2484
Phone: 0266 795 128
Uki Public School P&C Committee
Vice President Diane Wilder
Enquiries 02 66 795 128
The Uki Kids Club OOSH
After School Care Program. Open to all community children.
Open from 2.50pm - 6pm Monday – Friday
Uki Indoor Bowls Club
Meets at Uki Hall, Main St, Uki every Thursday night at 7:30 pm
Phone: 02 6679 5220
Phone: 0477 094 601
You Have a Friend
Free fruit and vegetable, canned food and miscellaneous items will be available every Friday for the Uki community in the park rotunda from 12.30 - 1 pm.
Uki Sports & Recreation
Lot 31 Kyogle Road Uki NSW 2484
Phone: 0266 795 818
Ukitopia Arts Collective
To nurture, support and promote Arts and Culture in Uki and district
Uki Garden Club Inc.
Our General meetings are held on the last Saturday afternoon in the month and our Food Group meets on the second Tuesday morning of the month. Our meetings are generally held in the gardens of our members so locations vary from month to month.
The Secretary – PO Box 580, Murwillumbah 2484 NSW
Uki Garden Club Forum | Facebook
Uki Tennis
For court hire and event information phone:
0415 734 744
Social Sundays 4th Sunday of the month, 3pm onward. And every Monday night from 7pm.
Uki Sporting Horse Association
The USHA is an active club that holds grounds and assets in trust for future generations, passing on the knowledge and heritage of the sport of camp drafting, and education on general stock handling.
340 Rowlands Creek Road Uki NSW 2484
Phone: 0427 618 036
Tweed Valley Wildlife Carers
Hotline 02 6672 4789
Uki Pythons Soccer Club
Uki Touch Football
Uki Community Gardens
The organising group meets the last Monday evening each month to create a space for people of Uki to grow food and gather together in harmony with the environment.
Friends of Byrrill Creek
Uki Refugee Project
Promoting compassion, understanding and mutuality.
Email: info@ukirefugeeproject.org