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Artists of Uki


Living the Dream

By Marie-France

I am a sculptor, principally working in clay as my favourite medium. My pieces are hand built. I work with slabs of clay gradually building the form to achieve the desired shape. These are then fired in a gas kiln to become my canvas. Oil or acrylic is used to produce the illusion of metal or vibrant colors.

At time I go directly to the clay and create a figure. At other times I draw an image and use it as my basis for the form. I always like to let the clay direct me. So in a way I collaborate with my material.

I have a strong interest in the energy of nature and the energy of the body.

25 Malabar Avenue
UKI NSW Australia 2484

Phone:  02 6679 4225



Slab Pots

By Lorraine Lintern

Potter, Sculptor & Teacher

Hand building & wheel thrown birdbaths, garden pots

Ph: 02 66 795 551


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Home Sweet Home by Edith Streiner

Home Sweet Home

By Edith Streiner

Edith's drawings are translated onto a variety of print plates. Using Photo Polymer and traditional methods she experiments with drypoint, stencil, monoprint, etching, wood block and collagraphs.
Her works are either hand coloured or printed using multi coloured plates. Some of her prints and Illustrations have been combined to create colouring books suitable for children and for use as a relaxation and rehabilitation tool.
Edith participates in community printmaking projects and exhibitions and also runs open printmaking workshops in her home studio, supporting those that are new to printmaking.

P: +614 0671 6763

Summer Daze by Cameron Pitcher

Summer Daze

Cameron Pitcher

The human is inherently a part of nature and not really in any way separate from it, yet somehow in humanities civilising process we have become enamoured with the self-reflection of our evolving self consciousness. As a consequence we have learned to feel and act as if nature is something that exits out there and not in us. But deep inside all of us lies a longing to be reunited with nature – to come home.


Approaches to nature hold within them the potentiality of experiences and encounters that can affect us in deep, personal and even spiritual ways and thus can lead to understanding and healing for both the environment we live in and ourselves. My photography attempts to explore our relationship with nature and to invite people to experience the natural world around them in a more personal and meaningful way.

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